Tag: dreams

What Does Sex in a Dream Mean?

When you’re having sex in a dream it’s so easy to get caught up in the experience that you didn’t pay attention to anything else. The setting, the person you’re having sex with are just a couple of important factors to pay attention to. Having sex in a dream means uniting yourself with something or…
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Why Do I Not Remember My Dreams?

Over the course of my life I’ve forgotten more dreams than I remember. I was completely baffled when I’d wake up with a clear memory of certain dreams and have no memory of others. This was one of the questions I most wanted an answer to when I began studying dreams one of my first…
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Discovering Patterns within Dreams

Patterns are Found Everywhere I’ve lived in the shadow of the Rocky Mountains for a couple of decades now, and I’ve got to tell you it’s given me an appreciation for the great outdoors. A few hours of hiking through the beauty and silent foothills has many more benefits than I can list here. I’ve…
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Dream Dictionary: Clothing

Dreams draw their material from the dreamer’s personal feelings, taste and opinions. They’re completely subjective. Clothes are also subjective. The point of different lines of clothing is to appeal to different tastes. Some like Hermes, others Prada, Ralph Lauren, and Louis Vuitton. Still others are happy getting their clothes from Wall-Mart or Target. Different strokes…
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My First Lucid Dream Experience

Lucid Dreams have caused a lot of buzz around the internet these days. These dreams in which the dreamer has absolute control of their actions within a dream, fascinate the dreamers who have them and leave them wanting more. Until recently, I observed lucid dreams from the outside. I have to admit I was a…
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What Are Prophetic Dreams?

Precognitive dreams, also known as prophetic dreams, are dreams in which the dreamer is given information they have no way of knowing. A widely held belief about prophetic dreams is they are only characterized by precognition. Prophetic dreams carry so much more with them then the ability to predict the future. What’s not widely known…
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Dream Authority

A woman once told me that she had nightmares about the death of her stepdad. He’d died several years earlier. For a period of two weeks before and two weeks after the anniversary of his death she’d relive his gruesome death while she slept. As I talked with her I realized she’d accepted these nightmares…
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