Stalking Dreams

Stalking Dreams

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  I strolled into my bank the other day and ran into someone who I helped with a dream almost three years ago.  I remembered her and she reminded me of a dream that had been stalking her for many years and she was tired of it. The dream took place in her childhood home. The place was dark and she was much afraid. If I remember correctly, there was someone in the house with her, made up of dark shadows and the dreamer was trying desperately to get away from them. That was the dream.

  When I first met the dreamer she was working in the bank and asked me what I was doing over the weekend. I responded ,”Talking to people about their dreams, of course”, and she couldn’t help but ask me about a few dreams she was having. She prefaced the dream by saying that she’d had this dream so many times over the years that she was tired of having it and she didn’t want to have it any more. She asked if I could help her with that problem.

  At first, when she started sharing her dream with me, I could tell by the way she talked about it that she pretty much hated this dream. It was dark, it was scary, and it reminded her of bad things that had happened to her in that childhood home. I asked to see her hand and lead her in speaking some words over her dream life, including a phrase that went something like – If this dream originates from a place of darkness I don’t ever want to have this dream again, There were no lightning flashes, no rumbling of the earth, not even the slightest feeling in the dreamer that any change had occurred. Then I saw her in the bank the other day and she told me, “Whatever you did that day when I told you about that stalking dream…I’ve never had it again since that day almost three years ago.”

   One of my favorite things to do in the world is to help dreamers understand their dreams. That first day when she told me the dream I knew she was asking me to tell her the meaning of her dream, but I recognized there was something much more important that needed to happen beyond solving the mystery of her dream. She needed to be released from the influence of that dark and fearful dream and take action to cause it to leave her alone. Almost no dreamer that I talk to in public or on facebook knows that the can speak into their dream life to stop bad things from happening, or to initiate good things. I’d say this one thing is one of the best kept secrets about dreams, and one of the most powerful.

  So, what about you, dear dreamer? Have you had scary recurring dreams that have been stalking you? What about dreams about being chased? You don’t have to put up with these dreams. You can take steps to cancel the assignments they have against you. Now’s the time I share with you what I shared with that dreamer those many years ago.

   If you have some dark dreams you want to get rid of, simply speak out the words “If this dream originates from a place of darkness I no longer want to have it.” Then, ask the Dreamgiver to give you a dream filled with light. Be intentional about your dream life. It can be filled with the most valuable treasure you’ll ever find in your life.


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