Dream Mistakes

Dream Mistakes

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If you’re like me you’re trying to figure out the meaning of what you dream as you’re waking up; sleep hangover and all. Life experiences come to mind and I compare them to what happened in my dream and are instantly confused. I was expecting my dreams to imitate waking life. This was the first of many mistakes that stood in the way of me understanding dreams.

Common mistakes that further confuse dreams are — taking dreams literally, ignoring dreams that don’t make logical sense, trying to understand dreams on your own, using life logic as a basis of understanding your dreams. If these mistakes seem familiar read on, you’re about to revolutionize your dream life.

Here are 7 of the most common dream mistakes.

Dream Mistake # 1

When you take your dreams literally you overlook all metaphorical possibilities. Once you do this, the likelihood of understanding the meaning of any dream is very low. Dreams imitate waking life, you are at work, you’re enjoying a meal with family and friends, you’re driving your car, or any number of everyday things. Dreams do this to reference something you’re already familiar within order to illustrate a truth. A past job references a certain time and certain people in your life, Sitting at a familiar table with family and friends references fellowship with those you love. Driving your car references forward motion at your job and being in control.

Your dreams utilize metaphorical symbolism to communicate coded messages that aren’t that difficult to understand if you’re privy to how to break the code.

Follow this link to find out how to break the dream code.

Dream Mistake #2

Dreamers often ignore dreams because they don’t make logical sense. They make a couple mistakes by doing this. Firstly, ignoring a dream. Secondly, attempting to use common everyday logic to solve a dream.

Ignoring dreams because they don’t make sense to you ensures your life isn’t enriched by the treasure they contain. Hidden beneath the layers of coded communication lies answers to the questions and the prayers you’ve been desperate for, for years. Ignoring the answers you’ve been looking for only hinders you from reaching your goals.

Dreams begin to make sense when you understand they operate by a higher logic than what you apply to your everyday life. What is this higher logic? It’s the higher logic of wisdom. Wisdom speaks to those who are willing to listen using metaphor, word play, allegory and other devices that allow multiple layers of meaning to be encoded within a simple dream story. Once you understand this, you can begin to unlock what’s hidden beneath the surface.   

Dream Mistake #3

This is the mistake of coming up with off-the-cuff interpretations based on what you’ve heard about dreams. The internet is filled with false and misleading information about dreams. I mean, when was the last time you plugged a dream symbol or two into Google and actually understood a dream. Yes, it happens, but it’s rare. You need help to understand your dreams. You can’t just understand them on your own.

The best way to ensure you’ve gotten good information about dreams and how to find their meanings is to follow this blog. Yes, this is a shameless plug! I know dreams and I know how to teach others how to understand their dreams and have been doing it for a decade now.

If you want to understand your dreams you’ve got to take them seriously. Take time out of your day to explore the wonderful and the exciting world of dreams. Here are some links to follow to further explore the basics of dreams.

What are Dreams and What do They Mean?

Why You Don’t Remember Your Dreams

Dream Context

Dream Mistake 4

  Perhaps one of the biggest mistakes dreamers make is not honoring their dreams. Honoring your dream means being intentional about it, recording it as soon as you wake up and mull over it throughout the day. Most dreamers wake up from their dreams and don’t give them a second thought. Not exactly honoring.

So what’s the big deal about honoring dreams? It’s all tied up in the law of attraction. You attract what you pay attention to. If you want more dreams and more meaningful dreams you must pay attention to them for more than just a fleeting moment after you wake up.

Those are four dream mistakes most dreamers make that keep them from understanding their dreams. There are, of course, many more but avoiding these four big mistakes will take you a long way to understanding your dreams.


Photo credit: warriorwoman531 via Foter.com / CC BY-ND

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