Category: Remembering Dreams

Lost Treasure

The number one response I receive when I ‘m out and about asking people about their dreams, is that they don’t remember them.  The number two response is that they don’t dream.  I’ve often seen how dreams can change a person’s perspective, even give them hope.  Whenever someone tells me they don’t dream or don’t…
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Why Don’t I Remember My Dreams?

    Whenever I’m discussing dreams with dreamers the subject of remembering dreams comes up. Not being able to remember dreams is such a common occurrence that nearly every dreamer I’ve talked to wants to find out what they can do to remember their dreams. The answer isn’t as difficult as you may imagine.  …
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Why You Must be Intentional About Your Dreams

Many people don’t remember what they dream because they’re not intentional about their dreams.  What does intention have to do with dreaming?  Everything.  It’s intention that can help us develop your dreams and intention that can hinder your ability to dream. For example, let’s say when you were seven or eight years old you started…
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Five Tips to Help Remember Your Dreams

  Before you can begin to analyze and extract meaning out of your dreams, you first have to remember what your dream was. Beyond that, you have to remember more than just small fragments in order to extract the full meaning. Remembering dreams long enough to capture them, either in a written journal or a…
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